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Our Story

Know Swet you can wear anywhere.

The pieces are collectable items. They represent ART. Garments that you can take with you in different phases of life. From running errands to breaking a “SWET” at the gym. Each design is sustainable for high quality, to accelerate performance, while sculpting to your body.

HARDWORK WORKS with anything you do. Whether it’s chasing your dreams, working out, or pushing towards a goal. KNOW SWET aims to captivate and nurture our customers’ imagination through the silhouette and design of our pieces.

“If you have FAITH even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, move here to there, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”

KNOW SWET (historical significance) was established by Sigourney Chavez in 2022 to inspire an artistic endeavor while creating groundbreaking archives.